Thursday, December 19, 2019

Review of "I've Seen the End of You"

I've Seen the End of You
by W. Lee Warren, MD

I’ve Seen the End of You is not what I was expecting. It is a powerful story that grabs your heart and your spirit and creates a struggle in how we view God!

I’ve Seen the End of You will cause you to have a deeper understanding of how God works, even when it seems He isn’t working!

Of all the great content in this book, this is by far the one statement that stood out to me the most: “Faith doesn’t keep us from having problems. It just gives a clearer view of how God is responding to them.”

I enjoyed the material presented. It is well written and obviously something Lee has wrestled with and continues to wrestle with. 

I highly recommend I’ve Seen the End of You. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.