Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still Listening!

Recently God has been challenging me with somethings. Right now I can't sharee specifics, but a couple of people close to me told me I need to write everything down that God is saying, the challenges and what is happening as a result.

So today I decided to look back at what started me on this journey.
Before I begin though, in a conversation today I told someone that I felt like I was at the beginning of a great story. I feel like I am living out the introduction and the story is yet to be written. And everything within me tells me it is going to be an amazing story.

I know this is kind of cryptic, but the journey I'm on started with this video clip of Pastor Perry Noble.
Watch Perry Noble // Catalyst West '09 on Vimeo!

As Perry talked about "God doing great things through Noah" God began to stir in me that He also wanted to do great things through me and I needed to "pick up the hammer!"

That was Feb. 11, 2010. Since then I've been listening to and waiting on God. Today I am amazed at the opportunities that stand before me and all I have to go on is trust in God.

I cannot tell you specifically what I am feeling, partly because I'm not really sure. But I know God is up to something and I am thrilled to be a part of what God is doing.

Several years ago I learned that our prayers should not be, "God bless what I am doing", instead we should pray, "God let me be a part of what you are blessing". Every since I learned this principle and changed the way I pray, it has been incredible to watch as God works and let's me be involved.

I titled this post "Still listening" because that is what I am doing. Still listening, with the hammer in my hand, waiting for God to tell me what to do next.

Years ago there was a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that said something like "there's no better place on earth than the road that leads to heaven". I can honestly say, there is no better place to be than listening and waiting for God's directions as He accomplishes His dream for your life. As you wait and listen you begin to realize that you have the privilege of being a part of an epic story! God's story of your life!

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