Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Review of Divine Direction

I just finished reading Craig Groeschel's newest book "Divine Direction" set to release Feb. 7, 2017.

Divine Direction

Pastor Craig Groeschel shares “simple wisdom” in this book. What I mean by “simple wisdom” is the principles of His 7 decisions all seem so simple. Yet each of us often finds ourselves wrestling with knowing God’s will for our lives because we don’t practice these 7 decisions.

Divine Direction will make you think and will challenge you to make small changes that will lead to your destiny.

Divine Direction is filled with Faith Building Nuggets, statements that will challenge you and make you think about why you do what you do.

For example:
What is always true is that the decisions we make today determine the stories we tell about our lives tomorrow.”

 “If you try to imagine the end, it seems too grand, so distant, so ideal that you won't know where to begin. That's why we're going to take just one small step in the direction of the dream.

To step toward your destiny, you might have to step away from your security. 

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

Divine Direction is a very thought provoking book that you will want to read more than once. In fact, you could probably read this book several times and still walk away with something you missed the previous times.

Divine Direction will ignite your pursuit of the God-given dream for your life.

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