Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Are you connected?

What a great time we live in. You can always be connected to everyone all the time!
We have internet, cell phones, ipods, text messaging, instant messaging, facebook and for the cool people myspace (I am not cool enough for myspace!) and now twitter.

I am not using twitter. Not sure why though. I mean does anyone really care what I am doing every moment of every day? It's fun learning something new though.

Twitter got me thinking about my relationship with God (it's what pastor's do you know!).
Anyway, imagine if we stayed as connected to God as we do with each other. I remember one time Jeanne Mayo made a statement, she said, "Short prayers are adequate when you're close to the Throne." What a great statement. When we stay close and connected to God we are in the right place.

Are you connected? Can you hear Him when he whispers your name?
Take some time toady and disconnect from your world and connect with God, you'll be glad you did!

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